Monday, August 9, 2010

LIP Companion Story - Collin's POV

So, I have recently started delving deep into Doctor Collin Bishop's mind and working on the outline for his POV story. While this too cannot be guaranteed anytime soon, I have been motivated to polish up the outline for it.

The desire to put together his side of it all has grown; however, my biggest obstacle will be not repeating too much dialogue or same information in LIP. While mimicking some of the scenes is inevitable, I want to try and keep the story fresh. Still not sure if my writing skills can accomplish this or not.

Anyhow, I believe I will be sticking with 'Priorities In Life' (PIL) as I orginally planned for the title. Not fully sold on it yet, but I like the mirror effect of the titles - LIP & PIL, especially since it is a companion story to LIP.

Guess I'll decide more, the closer I get.


  1. I wouldn't mind knowing his thoughts early on, he is so cold to his daughter. How he justifies he attitude toward her would be interesting, and also his time with his ex while Sophia was living there.

  2. I would love to read Collin's POV for the whole story. I would love a conversation between him and Sophia after she has found out that Victoria felt she was never wanted. Also to read some quality one on one time between him and Victoria would be great. I am happy that you are planning on writing his POV. Thanks you are so such a good writer.

  3. I'd like to know Collin's POV especially when he interviewed Sophia, when Grace came back and lived with them for a few months and when Sophia went home to think after their clash in NY. Whatever you give us, I'll gladly appreciate it. Thanks for the entertaining and interesting stories you write.

  4. I think that Collin would have a lot to say. Such driven...I would love to see what makes him tick and how Grace and his family turned him into such a closed off man. What he went through with Grace and why he turned so cold to his own daughter. I would love his first impression of Sophia and then seeing him fall in love with the cabin he talked to Sophia about how she had no idea how badly he wanted her then...drove him crazy. There's so much. It would be enlightening to say the least. Good luck! marijee

  5. I'd love to hear Collin's prespective on a lot of the scene so I wouldn't mind the repitition, considering I want to know his thoughts about his daughter, about Sophia, about Grace. Plus there will be scenes like what he does on his business trips, and what happened when Grace came back, and what interactions with his family etc. Hopefully this helps you a litte. Best of luck, bb.

  6. Thanks for all of the feedback. I am still working on the outline right now, but hope to begin writing this companion story in about a month or so.

    I still have Vegas and Amongst the Ruins to tackle, while also having been inspired to write a couple of new stories. One being an in depth look into Dr. Dominc Erickson (father of Grace's infant son in LIP), and the second being a new idea that has been festering in my mind and I haven't been able to turn away from.

  7. Sae, I know this is off topic, but why can't i access the textnovel site? I've been trying it for 2 days to no avail. I wanted to know if you've updated VFYH. Thanks .

  8. There hasn't been an update to Vegas, yet. I am working on the next chapter. I've just been taking my time and giving myself a small break from writing to clear my head a bit.

    I haven't had any issues with textnovel recently, other than they moved back to the old server and it is running slower.
