Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's been awhile....

And I've been busy.

Book1 - Amongst the Ruins of the Chronicals of 2020 is complete. Whew. Taking a few days off before I really get deep into my other WIPs. However, I will be working on some updates soon.

** It's my birthday week, so deserve a break. LOL **

A lot of you will be happy to know that I've reopened Vegas again. Yes, this means I'm very close to taking VFYH off of Hiatus status. Go ahead, I'll wait while you cheer.

Done? Okay...good.

Now, I've been reading through the completed part and I have to say...I need to do some rewrites. Hopefully you will like and enjoy the ideas I've been jotting down for early chapters as well as ones to come.

Okay, so....what's next.....

Ah, yes. Book 2 for Amongst the Ruins will be in the works once I've made some rewrites and edits to Book 1.

I'm still working on titles for Book 2. I just can't wrap my head around what I want to officially call it, though I have a couple ideas. Maybe I'll post them and see what you think.

Lastly, I'm considering moving my blog-webpage to another service. Blogger has been great, but I've found another hosting service who has some really great free features. I will keep you posted.

Hope everyone is well!


  1. Will there be any chance you post your stories on the new blog? Or possibly post VFYH on fictionpress? I've been desperately trying to log on to TextNovel.com for months but with no success. It always comes up as Webpage cannot be found. Makes me a sad panda because I can't read any of your stuff:(

  2. VFYH isn't ready. I wrote part of it, but went on Hiatus because I lost my 'stalker mojo'. I'm working on some rewrites and new ideas for the story - hoping that it brings me out of my stalled inspiration.

    Lastly, I am considering posting the stories up on the new site. However, I don't think I will post every story I've done or will be doing out there.

    After my last incident with plagerism of two of my stories, I really don't know if I want to put my stories online anywhere else. It's a tough decision. We'll see what happens.
