Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Story Title...

So, I am going to enter the story Modern Arrangement into a contest next month. However, I have been rethinking the title.

Right now I am using 'Here Comes My Bride, Bought and Paid For', but I'm still not sure if I am truly feeling this.

I'm in search of the best title for this particular story.

Any suggestions? I'm open for them. LOL :o) LOL

I'm also trying to find someone to read and assist with editing/polishing the story.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the title isn't quite right. What about "marriage of convenience", or" wife whanted" maybe "wife needed", "one bride to go, please", someting like that. Hope this helps, they are a little bit silly but maybe they inspire you to make one of your own.
